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Pizza Hut is Building Robots!

Delivery robots, that is...

But still, Pizza Hut Robots will be a thing.

It seems the innovation revolution is in full effect with the new Pizza Hut robots. But they're probably not what you're imagining. 

Toyota PIE Pro
Photo courtesy of ToyotaNews

Pizza Hut has partnered with Toyota to develop the Tundra PIE Pro, a zero-emission mobile pizza factory in the form of a pickup truck. Unveiled at Toyota's 2018 Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) Show, the truck is causing quite a stir. 

Tell Me More...

Among the many things that make this vehicle special is the truck bed, referred to as the "Kitchen." It contains a refrigerator, a portable conveyor oven, and two articulating robot arms. 

Pizza Hut Robot
Photo courtesy of ToyotaNews

These arms can remove pre-assembled pizzas from the refrigerator, place them in the oven, then slice and box the cooked pizzas. This entire process takes roughly 6-7 minutes. 

What Powers It?

Both the truck and the components of the Kitchen are powered by a hydrogen fuel-cell electric powertrain. The use of such technology is fitting with Pizza Hut's dedication to reducing its global carbon footprint

The Tundra PIE prototype is the next iteration following an experiment in driver-less delivery vehicles. The thought process behind this model focuses on bringing the kitchen closer to the customer, thereby delivering fresher pies.

But Why?

A major complaint among all pizza delivery services is that pizzas arrive to the customer after having cooled and steamed in the box, causing the pizza to lose some of its fresh, crispy allure. 

With this process, the pizza is being cooked while parked in front of the customer's residence, serving them with a fresh pie only minutes (or seconds) out of the oven. 

Pizza Hut PIE Pro
Photo courtesy of ToyotaNews

Ok, So When Will I See It?

As of now, there is no timeline for roll out of the Tundra PIE, as they are still considering costs and operational fit among franchisees. Pizza Hut COO Nicolas Burquier, in reference to the launch date, has publicly stated he'd "love for it to be soon." 

What that means in regard to an actual timeline is yet to be seen, but we are closely monitoring the situation. I can only speak for myself, but I am incredibly excited to see the first PIE Pro roll by in action. 

Leave us some feedback on how you feel about the idea of a mobile robotic kitchen making your pizzas below. 
