Culinary Culture is a group of passionate research chefs who offer consulting services for food-based businesses.


  • Our culinary ideation services help customers develop new ideas for their foods so they can ensure they are providing their customers with unique, forward-thinking products.

  • From creating concepts to the hands on execution of ideas, the team at Culinary Culture are experts at innovative, culinary-focused menu development. We can bring your menu vision to life!

  • Culinary Culture specializes in culinary driven product development. Our process involves initial ideation through commercialization.

  • We showcase your products and emphasize multiple uses for each to illustrate diversity while maintaining ease of use and complimentary flavor profiles.

  • Sensory tests and focus groups are essential. It’s important to understand your customer and determine whether the product you are creating is what they are looking for in their lives.

  • You've heard the adage "You Eat With Your Eyes,". With Culinary Culture's food photography services we can help you build attention grabbing photos that highlight the beauty of your product.

  • Trend information and analysis is essential for creating innovative products. Our research ensures that your company will meet your customers’ needs and keep you ahead of your competitors.

  • Culinary Culture is the team you need for all your kitchen efficiency and execution services. With years of back-of-house experience, our chefs have an excellent grasp of how to make your facility work better for you and your staff.

  • Elevate your team with expert led, custom culinary educational programs.

We offer an array of services to help you go from idea to reality.
If you’re looking for something specific not on the list, let us know.
If we don’t do it, we may know someone who does. 

Through trend research, innovative ideation, and expertise, Culinary Culture delivers imaginative products and recipes that consistently exceed your expectations.

Our consulting services are available to all food-based businesses.

Whether you’re a local restaurant looking to update your menu, a large-scale food manufacturer working to stay ahead of the trend, or a foodie with an idea for a new product, we’re here to help.

Contact us today for more information!

Cut out pictures of servings of fresh delicious looking food in small metal "to-go" style trays on a bright yellow background.